
Design of logo

When you want professional help
We create your logo

Need help designing a logo for your company? We're happy to assist!

It's good, but no coercion, if you have some ideas yourself for what you want for something, and possibly even a font. Then it is faster for us to get what you are looking for and of course it will be a smaller cost for you. It is important that your logo reflects your business and what you do, as it makes it much easier for the recipient to quickly understand which industry you belong to.

As you build your brand, it may then suffice to see the logo for people to know which company it is.
You should also be careful about the colors you use. If you are, for example, in the construction industry and there is already an established builder in the city you are located in, then you should perhaps avoid using the same or similar color as this one, as it can easily become the mistake for the other's company.

Vectorization of logo

Need help vectorizing your logo? We’ve got you covered! You'll receive an estimated price based on the complexity of your design.

It may also be that you already have a logo, but only for the web. For example, if you have a png or jpg file as a logo, this is made for web.
In those cases, you need to vectorize your logo in order to use it for printing. You simply need to convert your logo to lines, or line graphics, instead of pixels. If you have your logo in eps or pdf, these are usually in lines and thus okay for printing.